For Patients / Interviews / Scrotal Lift

The scrotal lift procedure

A scrotal lift is performed to correct a condition of excessive slackness of the scrotal skin which not only has aesthetic consequences but can also prove to be an obstacle during physical activity. It is performed using a scrotoplasty of the scrotal skin, the extent of which is adapted to each individual patient, making this a bespoke, personalised procedure.

The scrotal lift procedure

The scrotal lift procedure yields a very satisfying aesthetic result especially since the scar can easily be hidden due to the nature of scrotal skin. Before commencing the operation, the area of skin to be excised is marked.

The operation exclusively involves the skin and the superficial integument and therefore there is no involvement of the testicles whatsoever or their function. The risks are minimal and are mostly linked to the possibility of post-surgical haematomas, so a few days of rest and the use of a jockstrap for the first week following the operation are recommended.

The operation is not at all painful and the final appearance is very natural since only excessive skin is corrected, the results of which last for a very long time.

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