For Doctors / What is IAP?

Welcome to IAP: International Academy of Penoplasty.

The International Academy of Penoplasty (IAP) is the largest penoplasty subspecialty organization in the world and it is dedicated to the standardization and perfecting of the penile lengthening and girth enhancement surgical techniques through training, continuing medical education, research and continued support of excellence and safety in the surgical practices of its members.

From the onset IAP set two fundamental objectives:

  • to furnish solid and specific training to surgeons who desire to perform penoplasty
  • to ensure permanent training to its members thanks to punctual and regular information and the diffusion of technical innovations in order to guarantee optimal safety to patients.
The International Active Membership to the IAP is reserved for physicians who meet the high standards applicable within their respective countries and who also have specific qualifications and experience in cosmetic surgery and/or in urology.

The IAP website
The demand for penoplasty is greater now than ever, however, for a patient desiring to find a competent specialist with recognized training of a high level the search can be quite daunting.

The IAP website is one of the most popular destinations for patients interested in learning about penoplasty procedures and finding a highly trained qualified surgeon in his geographic region.

Master Course in Penoplasty

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viale Vittorio Veneto, 14
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Clinica MySelf

via Isonzo, 32
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