For Patients / Safety of Penoplasty

Information for Patients

When is penoplasty useful?
Penoplasty can be performed when there is real psychological discomfort regarding perceived inadequacy of the dimensions of the penis, causing anxiety during intimacy and in social situations where the body is shown (eg. changing rooms). A lengthening penoplasty is indicated in cases of a micropenis (≤ 7 cm length when erect), where penetration could be problematic. 

What are the contraindications?
Absolute contraindications are hematological pathologies (coagulopathies, etc.), intolerance to certain drugs, cardiac problems, psychiatric disturbances and unrealistic expectations.

What are the complications?
Penoplasty is performed using a surgical technique which has now been highly perfected, which allows a real increase in the dimensions of the penis without significant complications, provided that the patient scrupulously follows the post-surgical directions. 
There are no medium-long term complications, while in the short term we find those common to any surgery - for example the accidental removal of sutures, the formation of bruises, swelling - easily solvable. 

In enlargment penoplasty we rarely observe a fat reabsorption higher than 30%, caused by individual characteristics such as the metabolism and life style; in such cases resorption can easily be compensated by inserting more fat. 

Even though use of purified fat renders possible assymetry and nodularity extremely rare, the fat can settle arbitrarily in the days following the operation, especially after spontaneous erections - particularly nocturnal ones, and before the process of consolidation is complete. 

For this reason it is necessary to perform simple modeling exercises, as explained prior to discharge. such exercises are extremely simple and quick and can be performed by anyone without much effort. 

What are the risks?
Penoplasty does not have any risks regarding erection, ejaculation, sensitivity, orgasm and fertility.

In the lengthening penoplasty the suspensory ligament which is operated is outside the penis and therefore its section does not interfere minimally with the internal structures of the penis (nerves, veins, arteries and corpora) which are indispensable for erection and general functionality; in other words the penis is not even minimally involved in the operation.
In the enlargement penoplasty (Girth Enhancement) infection of the fat injected is theoretically possible, especially if the operation is performed in suboptimal conditions of sterility. That is why this procedure should always be performed in a suitable operating theater, and conducted it the most rigorous asepsis.

Is recovery of the functionality of the penis perfect?
Yes. Penoplasty does not alter the quality of the erection, orgasm and ejaculation in any way. If there were no problems prior to the operation, it will certainly be the same afterwards.

Does penoplasty improve sexual performance?
No. because the operation does not alter the quality of the erection, if a subject had good sexual performance he will continue this way and viceversa whoever suffered from erectile deficit will not experience any improvement for this aspect as a result of a penoplasty.

Can a penoplasty interfere with the sensitivity of the penis?
No, because the nerve endings responsible for sensitivity are not involved or damaged in any way.


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Alessandro Littara


Prof. Alessandro Littara was born in Pisa on 15 April 1964. He is an authority in male genital aesthetic surgery thanks to his pioneering work in penoplasty, a technique he has performed since the 90’s and which he has continuously modified, improved and perfected during his personal experience with thousands of cases from all around the world.


  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery with top marks from the University of Pisa
  • Specialization in "General Surgery" at the Università degli Studi di Pisa (Institute of general and experimental Surgery, Cisanello Hospital, Pisa), with a thesis entitled: "Surgical therapy of varicoceles: modern orientation".
  • Specialization in "Ultrasound diagnostics in Surgery" at the University of Pisa
  • Specialization in "Andrology module operator" at the University of Pisa
  • Specialization in "Sexology" at the University of Pisa
  • Winner of the concourse to attend the "European School of Andrology and Andrological Surgery" (organised in European centres of excellence by the Italian Andrological Society)
  • Certification for LVR (Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation) and DLV (Designer Laser Vaginoplasty) procedures, at the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Centre of Los Angeles, directed by Dr David Matlock.
  • Contract Professor of Reconstructive Uro-genital Surgery, University Of Pisa


Training (1991) at the Centre for Andrology of the University of Pisa (directed by Professor G.F. Menchini Fabris), where he currently works as an external collaborator. He also specialized as an Andrology module operator and in Medical Sexology, at the same centre.

Long collaboration with the Istituto di Chirurgia Generale II - Unità Operativa di Endocrinochirurgia (directed by Prof. P. Miccoli), of the Università degli Studi di Pisa, with respect to surgical practice.

Student of Uro-andrological surgery as taught by Prof. E. Belgrano (director of the Urology clinic of the University of Trieste) and Prof. F. Carmignani (director of the Urology clinic of the University of Genoa) for more than five years, staying up-to-date with Avant-guard Uro-andrological and gynaecological urology surgical techniques.

Adjournment at the Istituto San Raffaele of Milan in the Urology department directed by Prof. Rigatti.

Head of the medical and surgical Andrology-sexology branch at the Casa di Cura "Mercurio-Quisisana" of Montecatini Terme (PT), where he participated in about 1000 andrological surgery, Uro-gyneacological and general surgery operations in the capacity of first operator and also as assistant.


Participation as a student at the "European School of Andrology and Andrological Surgery ", organised by the Italian Andrological Society in European centres of renowned excellence.

Practices as a freelance professional in the field inherent to the medical and surgical diagnosis and therapy of pathologies of Uro-andrological, uro-gyneacological and sexological nature.

Numerous appearances as a speaker at many congresses of Uro-andrological and plastic-cosmetic nature. Strong supporter of computerization, and author of the first Italian website dedicated to andrology (website of the Andrology Centre of Pisa) and since 1996 has been furnishing an information service for the public through his own website (

Radio 24 collaborator with regards to medical and surgical andrology and sexology. He collaborates with national newspapers, weeklys and monthlies with wide distribution and also with national and regional television programmes. He conceived and conducted a radio transmission dealing with sexology (SessoOS) at a local Tuscan radio station for two years. He participates as a subject matter expert in the transmission "Istruzioni per l'uso" presented by Emanuela Falcetti on Radio 1 and Radio 3.

Founder and head of the "Centro di Medicina Sessuale" of Milan, where all pathologies of the sexual and reproductive sphere for both males and females are treated. He manages a multi-disciplinary team made up of andrologists, gynaecologists, assisted reproduction specialists, psycho-sexologists, psychiatrists, plastic-cosmetic surgeons and lawyers.

Training and certification to perform procedures of female genital laser surgery at the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Centre of Beverly Hills, directed by Dr. David Matlock. Surgeon affiliated with and certified to perform DLV (Designer Laser Vaginoplasty), LVR (Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation) and G-Spot Amplification procedures, by the said centre.

He currently works as a freelance professional and consults in Milan, the main seat, and periodically in Rome. He collaborates with centres specialising in Infertility therapy for couples, and is a contract Professor of Uro-genital Reconstructive surgery at the University of Pisa.

Membership in Scientific Societies

  • Member of the Italian Society of Andrology (S.I.A.)
  • Member of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexuality Medicine (S.I.A.M.S.)
  • Advisor of the Italian Society of Sexology and Sex Education (S.I.S.E.S)
  • Member of the Italian Society of Male Genital Surgery (S.I.C.G.E.M.)
  • Member of the European Society of Sexual Medicine (E.S.S.M.)
  • Member of the International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research (I.S.S.I.R.)
  • Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (A.A.C.S.)
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