For Patients / Interviews / Laser Penoplasty (Phalloplasty): Length

We treat every patient as an individual, addressing their unique concerns over the size or shape of their penis, and our world-renowned Penoplasty procedure refers to a number of techniques that can be used to produce the results you desire.

It is now possible to increase both the length and girth of the penis and patients often opt for a procedure that combines some of the following techniques:

  • Laser division of the suspensory ligament (penile lengthening)
  • Suprapubic cutaneous laser-plastic surgery (V-Y flap surgery)
  • Suprapubic vibroliposculpture (suprapubic lipectomy)
  • Penoscrotal webbing plastic surgery
  • Lipo-sculpture of the penis (girth enhancement)
These quick and relatively simple surgical operations are performed as outpatient procedures and you will be safely discharged within a few hours post-procedure.

Our penile lengthening procedure aims to increase the length of the penis and there might be a number of medical reasons why your penis appears shorter than you’d like. As well as improving penis length, we often combine penile lengthening with penile girth enhancement using Puregraft.

Penile lengthening options:

1. Laser section of the suspensory ligament of the penis and inverted anti-retraction sutures
The suspensory ligament of the penis is the deep-seated structure that connects the internal part of the penis to the pubic bone. By safely cutting (sectioning) this ligament, the internal part of the penis ‘slides’ forward, creating a subsequent increase in length externally.

The exact increase in penis length that will be achieved depends to a large degree on the consistency of the suspensory ligament. In fact, there is a direct proportional ratio: the more developed the ligament, the greater the result in terms of visible penis lengthening. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to predict this exactly prior to surgery because the ligament is seated very deep in the body and partly hidden by the pubic bone, so can’t be manually assessed by the surgeon and can only be partially seen on ultrasound.

The consistency of the suspensory ligament can also vary greatly between individual patients, so our surgeon is unable to give precise estimates prior to surgery. By measuring the visible part of the ligament on ultrasound, it is possible to compare it with the statistical data we have at our disposal, to give you a potential expected increase.

However, you can typically expect an increase in penile length of between 2cm and 4cm, visible in both the flaccid state and also, to a slightly lesser degree, when erect.

Technically, the section of the suspensory ligament of the penis is a relatively straightforward surgical procedure and does not involve any particular difficulties. It is important to pay attention to the section of the deepest part because of its proximity to the dorsal neurovascular structures of the penis, but our surgeon is highly experienced in performing this operation.

To this purpose, we use a cutting-edge, computer-controlled diode laser to perform this procedure. This laser device is a very precise surgical instrument, enabling us to cut and cauterise at the same time. This results in minimal blood loss and pain and a much shorter healing time. The use of laser for these types of procedures far outweighs conventional surgery in terms of patient safety and comfort.

The use of silicone spacers to avoid scar retraction post penile lengthening surgery

One potential complication post-penile lengthening surgery that can affect your results is ‘scar retraction’ of the ligament. This can happen after surgery of any form; the surgically sectioned part of the body, will spontaneously ‘seal’ in the days following surgery, thereby nullifying any results that have been achieved.

One possible approach is to use penis extenders. These have been much promoted as a non-surgical way to extend penis length, often with unfounded claims of unrealistic results. It has since been proven that they are incapable of achieving any significant length when used alone, but they can be incredibly useful in preventing scar retraction of the ligament post-surgery.

They cannot be worn, however, in the initial healing period – we advise waiting at least a month – so often a ‘spacer’ is inserted between the two ends of the sectioned ligament to avoid scar retraction.

The placing of a soft silicone spacer between the two ends of the ligament is often employed and it can produce satisfactory results. However, it still involves placing a foreign material into the body which can result in potential complications. We strongly believe that it is best to only use autologous materials (cells and tissues from the individual) and so we have designed a specific suture (periosteal fascial), which allows us to invert the surface layers from deep within the two ends of the sectioned ligament. This achieves the same result as using a silicone spacer, with none of the downsides. Our aim is always to prioritise patient safety.

Laser section of the suspensory ligament of the penis with inverted anti-retraction sutures produces visible and long-lasting results. One potential complication – the accentuation of the pubo-penile angle with the lowering of the penis – has been negligible in our experience.

The procedure typically lasts one hour and is performed under spinal or general anaesthetic, depending on whether it is combined with other phalloplasty procedures. You will be discharged on the same day.

2. Supra-pubic cutaneous laser-plasty
Laser section of the suspensory ligament of the penis is often combined with this technique, as it allows for a contextual lengthening of the skin that covers the penis, otherwise it would be too short once the ligament is cut.

It technically consists of a V-Y plasty or, in other words, an incision which initially has the shape or an upside-down V, which at the end of the operation becomes an upside-down Y.

The use of a diode laser enables greater precision of the incision, less bleeding and reduced tissue stress, with the practical result of accelerating the healing of the wound. At the end of the procedure, our surgeon will use resorbable stitches that will dissolve spontaneously between 15 to 20 days after the operation.

3. Supra-pubic vibro-lipo-sculpture
In some men, an abundant and visible fat pad, known as the supra-pubic adipose panniculus, can partially cover the penis, making the male organ appear shorter than it really is. Known as ‘sunken penis’ or, in extreme cases, as ‘buried penis’, this typically affects overweight individuals, but it can also be a problem for individuals that are a normal weight or even in underweight men, depending on the composition of the supra-pubic fat pad

In such cases, the optimal procedure is supra-pubic vibro-lipo-sculpture, a surgical technique that involves removing pubic fat using thin cannulas.

First, two miniscule incisions are made in the target area through which the thin cannulas are inserted. The fatty tissue is then vibrated to break it up, making it easier to suction out. This is necessary because male adipose tissue has a denser consistency than female adipose tissue which can be removed simply by using classical lipo-sculpture.

Once the fat tissue is removed, the supra-pubic area is flattened and reduced, resulting in a visual increase in the length of the penis as well as a huge improvement to the appearance of the body, greatly boosting patient self-confidence.

We perform this procedure under a local, spinal or general anaesthetic, depending on whether it is performed as a standalone procedure or in combination with other designer phalloplasty techniques. Typically, it takes 40 minutes and afterwards a compression bandage is applied which is worn for about 20 days. You will be discharged on the same day.

4. Peno-scrotal cutaneous laser-plasty
In some cases, the skin of the scrotum is attached further along the shaft of the penis instead of at the base as is normal. This anatomical condition produces a ‘batwing’ appearance, visibly reducing the total length of the penis.

To correct this condition, we use a diode laser to safely perform a peno-scrotal cutaneous plasty, using the Z method, which is then subsequently closed with reabsorbable stitches. The procedure will take just a few minutes and can be performed as a standalone procedure or, as is often the case, in combination with other designer laser phalloplasty techniques to produce optimal aesthetic results.

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Penile Lengthening


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